Sunday, June 27, 2010

Walking down and up Mount St Benedict's

“I don’t wanna do this anymore…” I whined with great fervor.
 “Come on,” Davley encouraged, “Enjoy the surroundings—It was your idea anyways!” 
“Next time just slap me and say No!” 
We were walking down Mount St. Benedicts with the intent of walking back up.   Earlier that afternoon  we were relaxing in my Mom’s living room when I heard, “Want to hike up Mount St Benedicts?”  I looked around the room to see who had asked the question.  Davley looked at me with contemplation and said “ Yeah, let’s do it!”  I looked around the room again… nobody in the room ‘cept Davley and me!  By elimination, I realized that the original question came from me!  Why, why do I let these things leave my brain and float out of my mouth???  ‘Cause nobody, nobody ever says no!!    Fast forward 2 hours and here we are  at St. Benedicts with another bright idea that involves parking at the top of the hill, walking down and then up as opposed to starting at the bottom and coming back down.    At first it didn’t seem odd, but it turned into an unexpected mental torture.  It was taking us like 20-30 minutes to get down the hill.  If it was taking us that long to descend, what about coming back up???  The only thing I was happy about was the fact that I had set out to defy the Boob Challenged Coeefficient and succeeded.  Wearing a regular bra PLUS a sports Bra had my boobs strapped in place. I could do a jump ‘n’ jack to the moon and nothing would move.  Funny though, even with this accomplishment, I didn’t really want to jog… it’s so… tiring…   Anyway, we’re still heading down with me trying to do my usual mind over matter mental technique and go with a this-is-fun-just-inhale-the-fresh-air-and-listen-to-the-little-birdies-chirping attitude but what I was ending up with was what-the-heck-am-I-doing-how-on-earth-will-I-get-back-up-this-mount???  An old man passed us.  He was going in the opposite direction. Yes, he was going uphill with his plus-sized paunch and barely a sweat. I wasn’t sure if this was a moment for encouragement or a moment for panic.  I didn’t get a chance to debate for long because we rounded a bend on the winding road and I realized we were still far away from the bottom.  Panic hit.  “Don’t worry,” says Davley “ We’ll take it slow.  It’ll be a casual walk”. “Uh-huh” I said with not even fake-enthusiasm.  I knew I was psyching myself out but I didn’t know how to stop the mental negativity.  Finally we got to the bottom.    “Ok, here we go—Let’s head back up!”    We started walking.    We’re climbing and I was waiting for the I-know-I’m-about-to-pass-out-feeling but it never came!!  I stretched my legs for broader paces and kept climbing. “Take it easy!”Davley says, “Just pace yourself.”   Me, all cocky and obnoxious, “You don’t know what I’m doing!”  Davley with raised eyebrow, “okaaaayyy.”  Three seconds later I pause for a breath.  Davley passes me without a word.  I pretend to take in the surroundings, “ Oh look at that mango tree. Was that there on our way down?”  No answer.  I’m not sure if she heard me or if she ignored me.  I start back with a new spurt of energy craving the accelerated heart beat, feeling the blood surging with strong cardiovascular pumps throughout my body!  Yayyyyyyyy Exercise!  Before you know it we’re back at the top.  And you know what?  It really wasn’t that bad.  Seems like who ever cut the roads up to the top did it at a nice sloping angle so that the incline doesn’t feel as steep as you ascend.  Which is probably how the old man (and myself) were able to do it with limited problems.
Moral of the story:  Try not to psyche yourself out with negative thinking.  It might actually be easier than it looks.

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