So, I've been a victim of Vanity Sizing,and I'm not sure how I feel.... I mean, it's not completely surprising but it did throw me for a loop. I've known for the past three years to shop around and try clothes on because different brands fit differently. So sometimes you can fit into one size and squeeze into another at one store in one brand but same size at another store and brand wouldn't fit.
2-3 months ago, I discovered a store, during my lunch hour, that sold a variety of different labels of suits. I wasn't really finding much that I wanted to wear when the attendant brought me a nicely tailored black suit. Oh I loved it. But I looked at the label and saw size 14. "Oh, no!" I moaned. "This isn't my size. I won't be able to fit into this. "
"Just try it." The attendant gave it back to me.
So I tried it. And it fit! Oh my goodness.. I was a size 14! I had changed my diet for the 6 months prior and it felt so good to have dropped from an 18/20 to a 14.
Fast forward to last week. Last week I'm shopping for jeans in some of the local brands and so I look to the size 14s.. I hold up a pair of jeans... "Yeah, right." I mutter. Ain't no way I'm gonna even bother to try these on cause I doubt they'd even make it up one leg. I end up buying a 23/24 at one store and a 16/18 at another store. Hmmm... I'm thinking now. Probably it's the American brands that have the more standardized sizes, I start to wonder. Cause the Trinidadian Stores really seem to cater to the skinnier side of life. I'm not sure if either of these thoughts make me feel better or not but I decide I'm going back to the suit store with the size 14.
So, 2 days ago, I go back to the size 14 store, J & K signature. The attendant from last time recognizes me and comes over to help. I must admit, I was confused with the sizes after my experiences and gravitated to what I knew my size to be previously and I went to the size 18s. So attendant girl is like, "Oh that's too big". "Well, it's what I wear in most stores..." I start to say, "...but I have lost some weight recently..." She looks at me up and down, "You sure have! I can tell your legs look smaller!" I look at my legs. She guides me to another rack of clothes. "Last time you were here you fit into a 14. So here try a 12!" My brain can't handle it-- A 12!? Really???. "Let me try the 14 first, just to be sure..." I say with lots of jeans shopping had me sensitive to trying on sizes that I just couldn't fit into. I get into the 14. Too big... the attendant confirms it, my sister Davley confirms it. Hmmm... probably I should try the 12. I try the 12. Doggone it-- It fits like a glove! A nicely tailored glove! Could this really be? My heart sores as I fall in love with the suit and the fact that I'm in a size 12!!! OMG!!! I try on a bunch of other 12s and they all fit! Then Davley comes with a white suit with brown stripes. Huh? It's not really my style but she thinks it looks nice and summery etc. Just try it she says. I look at the label.... "Davley, this is a 10." "Yeah, well just try it." She shrugs casually as if it's normal. In my size 12 high I try it. And let me tell you, the suit looked hot. Now i won't lie. I could lose a 1/2 inch or so for it to be perfect... but I could always wear a body smoother underneath for now! LOL.... It was at this point in my euphoria that the sucker punch hit me. This was too good to be true.
I took off the suit and went to the local section of clothes. I tried on a 3x skirt. My butt could barely fit into it and my hips were exploding at the sides. Ok. Reality check. This is when my emotions became confused. From the quick sore of euphoric glee to plummet directly to despair was a bit jolting on the psyche. My feelings caught between a crumble and a smile, I bought the size 12 AND the size 10 suits. As I walked out the store I concluded, " I may not know if I'm really a size 12, but I do know I've lost a dress size... from a 14 to a 12... whatever those numbers mean...." I was happy with that. 'Cause it means the gym has been working...=)